

To commemorate the anniversary of Argentina’s “Never Again” report, the Duke Human Rights Center @ the Franklin Humanities Institute released its first ever e-book in 2016.

Commissioning Truths: Essays on the 30th Anniversary of Nunca Más came out of a year-long critical examination of the history and practice of truth commissions. Hosted at Duke University and cosponsored by the Human Rights Archive at the Rubenstein Library, the series sought to recognize the importance of “Never Again” while at the same time examining the current and future of truth in a human rights context. The e-book is available for free through Smashwords.


iTunes Podcast Playlist

You can also find over 20 podcasts on a variety of human rights topics in our iTunes podcast playlist. Perfect for long walks or car rides to make time fly and learn something new about human rights.


YouTube Video Archive

Check out more videos like the one below on the Duke Human Rights Center@FHI YouTube playlist, where you can find over 100 videos on human rights topics ranging from violence in Peru and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict to North Carolina poverty and capital punishment in the U.S.